To solve the healthcare-wide problem of “internet clutter”, we have created a one-stop shop for healthcare professionals to discover and gain access to scientific resources, tools, and webinars - relevant to them.
To be more relevant, we need to know more about you
As of September 2020, existing users were prompted to update their profile details including country and user type. All new users registering to myINTERACT now have to populate these same fields so all content and suggested connections on the homepage are personalised and meaningful.
The homepage is the navigation centre of myINTERACT
The homepage is made up of centralised feeds of latest updates from a users' approved connections and events, as well as suggested connections to connect with based on each users' profile information. Now users will only see what they want to see, and won't have to filter through any irrelevant information.
Transparency and trust are of myINTERACT’s greatest priorities. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
Have a question? For any additional information you can reach us at or call us on +61 2 8071 8128.