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Applying behavior design to improve life science
BJ Fogg founded the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University and in 2007 defined a model exhibited in all human behavior. INTERACT have applied that model in its technology design.
The Fogg Behavior Model demonstrates that three elements must converge at the same moment for a behavior to occur: Motivation, Ability, and Prompts.
You can visualize this model in two dimensions:
The vertical axis is Motivation for a behavior, which can range from high-to-low. The vertical axis is Ability, which can range from easy-to-hard.
There is a relationship between Motivation and ability called the Action Line. If someone is above the action line when prompted then they will do the behavior. Conversely, below the line will fail.
© 2007 BJ Fogg. Learn more
Fogg Behavior Model explained
using a phone analogy
To answer the phone - all three elements need to happen at the same time:
M = Motivation. You decide you want to speak to that person right now
A = Ability. You can tap a button and answer the phone...
P = Prompt. The phone rings…
The behavior (answering the phone) won't happen if one of the elements (M, A or P) is missing:
M = Motivation. You don't want to talk to the person...
A = Ability. You are in a meeting and can't answer at that moment...
P = Prompt. Your phone is on silent...
The physician's desire for simplicity adhered to by our key pillars
The harder it is to access content or support, the less likely it will occur - some example deterrents for time-poor physicians:
They work long hours across multiple locations, attend many meetings and need to make the most of their time.
They struggle to keep up to date across an increasing number of complex and more specific treatments and practices.
They are bombarded with prompts - emails, calls and push notifications. Its hard to work out what is important.
The physician's desire for simplicity adhered to by our key pillars
The harder it is to access content or support, the less likely it will occur - some example deterrents for time-poor physicians: